
Favorite Fiction, Part 1 - 2022
I read some wonderful novels this past year. It just wasn’t possible to winnow them down to a half dozen, so I am doing two parts with 7 books in each. Some really outstanding, informative, and entertaining stories. I hope you find something special to pick up for 2023.

Smokin’ Hot: Cheech Marin on Film, Art, and Life
What pops into your mind when you hear the name Cheech Marin?

BEST ROADS TRAVELED: Mexico’s Las Pozas – Jungle Fantasy
Outside the town of Xilitla in northern Mexico’s Sierra Gorda, a little known surrealistic architectural masterpiece rises out of the jungle, built by Edward James, an enthusiastic supporter of art and artists.

A Triple Tribute: Helen Frankenthaler, Lee Krasner, and Joan Mitchell
At the edge of the spotlight, not fully illuminated, are women abstract expressionists who significantly enhance our understanding of American art in the mid-20th century. In this post I focus on Helen Frankenthaler.

The Search for Dignity in a World Gone Mad
Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah is an American award-winning essayist. She won a Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing in 2018 for her profile of white supremacist and mass murderer Dylann Roof, as well as a National Magazine Award.

The Divine Dozen: Mary Abbott – Poetry of Space
Energy has many moods. It can be soft and languid, quiet and reflective—or, as in the work of abstract expressionist Mary Abbott, it can be explosive and bold.

The Divine Dozen: Judith Godwin – A Life in Art
Abstract expressionist Judith Godwin was born to paint.

The Divine Dozen: Sonia Gechtoff’s Star Still Shines Brightly
Abstract expressionist Sonia Gechtoff’s approaching 90th birthday has not dulled her joy, enthusiasm, or creativity.

Poetry from Cuba, the Violet Island: Reina María Rodríguez
There are rare, shimmering moments in life when we connect with beauty in a way that moves us profoundly. Such a moment happened for me in January 2012 during a visit to the Havana apartment of acclaimed Cuban poet Reina María Rodríguez.

Robert Hicks: Seersucker, Books, and Bourbon
Steeped in southern culture for decades, Robert Hicks is as far from a hound dog sleeping on the porch as a man can be. I admire his talent, his attitude, and his ability to reach for the joy.