
I’ve spent a lifetime refining and improving my skills as a writer. I research, develop, and write content on a variety of topics for both print and online publications, including national and regional magazines, corporations, websites, and individuals. Below are a selection of my articles. Click on the hyperlinked titles for more details:
Nature’s Transcendental Glory: Contemporary Luminist Joseph McGurl
Gary Ruddell’s Quest for Art’s Essential Nature: Poetry in Paint
Factum Arte: Rematerializing Cultural Heritage
Perspective: John Nieto (1936-2018)
Wanderings: Todos Santos, Mexico
Emily Mason: A Devotion to Color
Painter Woody Gwyn: The Road to Excellence
Western Landmark: Portland’s Heathman Hotel
Beyond Skin Deep: Exploring the Interpretive World of Self-Portraiture
Brad Overton: A Philosopher’s Palette
Black & Brown: A Grand Canyon Point of View
Western Landmark: Dunton Hot Springs, Colorado
The Evolution of Western Art
Cheech Marin Gets High on Art
The Dark Side of Beauty
Decoding Tradition: Kevin RedStar
As editor in chief at Western Art & Architecture, I came to rely on Rosemary Carstens not only for her clean, artful prose, but as the generator of thoughtful and inventive story ideas. Rosemary has a wide breadth of knowledge and is well connected in the Western art world; she knew on instinct what stories to pitch, who to connect with and when to place them for maximum effect. Her steady skills and constant professionalism made my job easier and her talent and kindness made it a pleasure.
— Carter G. Walker

Here are some of the publications I’ve loved working with!