A Serialized Biography of an American Artist
Ep. 6: Falling in Love: Mexico City and Louis Stephens
Sidney Pepper and Annette travel to Mexico City in 1935 where she will meet and fall in love with Louis Stephens.
Ep. 8: Breaking with the Past, 1936
In 1936, 29-year-old Annette Pepper fled her marriage to staid New York attorney Sidney Pepper to join the love of her life, Louis Stephens, in Mexico City.
Ep. 9: Love, Marriage, Motherhood
Although throughout her life Annette Nancarrow would enjoy other relationships, “Stevie,” as she called Louis Stephens, would be the love of her life. He was a compelling man—they could not resist each other.
Ep. 10: WWII: A Sailor, a Jai Alai Portrait, and a Stalinist Composer
Europe is at war and US involvement imminent. For those Europeans living and working in Mexico City, concerns mount about displaced relatives, and immigrants pour into the country. Louis Stephens enlists against Annette’s wishes.